Chrysalid Homo; noun: (pronunciation Kris-sah-lid Hoh-Moh): The futurist sounds of a post-apocalyptic wasteland.
In 2019, three brothers emerged from the ashes of Salfordian Prog-Punk outfit, Trojan Horse. Heavily laden with synths, harmonies and crooning, these heralds of a dark and dangerous future are here to shock and awe. Not afraid of drawing influences from those that have come before, this merry band of mad-max musicians can name those early pioneers of electronic music; Kraftwerk, The Human League, John Foxx (to name only 3), as shaping their own unique sound. Fear not, they aren’t flogging horses here (alive or dead), they’re pushing the boundaries of electronic music to carefully curate a sound that is unique, interesting and, dare we say, pop.
The sounds emerging from their secret studio in sunny Eccles, are steeped in satire and the rich history that comes with living in the cradle of the industrial revolution.